Sunday, February 19, 2012

Argan Oil- Great For Your Hair!!!

You may have started to see many hair products with Argan Oil- An oil from the Argan tree, that can be only found in  Morocco. That's because this oil s great to treat dry, damaged hair. This oil is perfect for you if you dye your hair often, it will restore the shine and suppleness of your hair. Argan oil seals moisture into each strand of hair and promotes elasticity, making your hair less brittle!  Argan oil can also help those people that are suffering from hair loss as well as extend the life of your hair.

This hair treatment from Organix is a wonderful product! Just one use, and you will be able to feel and see the difference. This is only $6 and can be found at your local drug stores.

This product is used after your dry and straighten your hair. Argan Oil from Agadir', makes your hair soooo shiny! My hair dresser sells this item for $32 dollars, but you can get it online for only $9!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

False Lashes, Don't Be Afraid To Wear Them!

Lashes have to be one of the greatest inventions in makeup history!  They will make your eyes "pop" and stand out. You can wear natural ones for an everyday look, dramatic lashes for the night club, or glamourous ones for a special date. Don't be afraid to wear them!!!!!!! Once you get a hang of it, you will never go back to plain jane mascara! Most women are scared they will fall off, or glue their eye shut. BUT HAVE NO FEAR!  I have worn my eye lashes to school, I have cried in them, rubbed them, sweated in them, ran in them, and slept in them; can you believe they still stayed on until the next day? lol ...Seriously though, as long as you put them on correctly you will be fine. I have put a video below to show you how to apply them correctly. It my take you a couple of times to get them right, but it's ok because lashes can be worn more than once. You can wear individual lashes to customize your look or strip lashes ( shown above). You use a lash adhesive to glue them on your eyelid, so don't just take the strip off the plastic holder and stick them on your eye and expect them to stay! The closer you put your lashes to your lash line the better.  Lastly, they are perfect for women who have short lashes ( like me).

     I am wearing False lashes in this picture! You cant even tell can you?

       Kim Kardashian is often seen with false lashes.

        How to apply falsies -  by Kandee Johnson - professional makeup artist!